Skills and Talents

    Hello everyone, I am sure majority of us will agree that it's been a topsy-turvy year in the world but so many positives to take out regardless. One thing I noticed that is prevalent in 2016 is how everyone is embracing their God given talent and fine tuning it into great skills. The world is bursting with talents in diverse fields.

Today I will be sharing briefly on Skills and Talents,
It is amazing knowing that individuals take time to build and develop themselves. I have noticed these days that people make use of their talents a whole lot, most people don't even become what they study in school rather they build on their skills and abilities then use it as a means to make money.

Recently I came across a post showing how pupils in their year book filled in the section "What they'd like to be?" unorthodox professions such as bloggers, photographers, speech therapist, musicians... Etc. This would have been a rarity a few years back as opposed to the more conforming professions as most of us did when asked. We wanted to be doctors, lawyers, engineers and whatever we felt was socially acceptable without really putting thoughts into it.

I believe it is good for us to take time and realize what we love to do and start building on that, as we grow and develop ourselves each day, we then become excellent in those things we do.
Whether you love to draw, model, dance, sing, take pictures, talk, organize things you never know when you would need this skills asides your intellectual benefits (Education).
Education is very key and it is important we go to school, even though we do not end up doing what we study in school some how we still put in the knowledge of what we have learnt as long sides our skills and that what makes us stand out.
Be willing to think different and be unique !!



  1. I enjoyed reading this blogpost. I got a lot of encouragement from this read too. Thank you praise 💞


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