Making Valuable use of Time

  A particular period considered distinct from other periods is referred to as TIME. Time is one resource that every individual on earth has. Every human being has the same number of hours to use in everyday. People who are occupied/ busy are not given extra time to the hours of the day, the clock keeps moving and waits for no one.

We all are given equal measure of time everyday and because we are different and unique individuals we do not use our time the same way; that is how we redeem the time allotted to us differs. When something is said to be redeemed, it is rescued, bought from a negative condition. The primary negative condition we suffer from is the condition of waste. To waste time is to spend it on something that has little or no value.  Now we are young and strong we should not waste our time , find something valuable and engage in it.
God owns our time, so commit that time to serving God, helping others, visiting and caring for those in need. If you have leisure time, read inspiring books, create activities you can learn from continuously.
Once we make valuable use of our time, it helps us to be productive.

''I wasted time now doth time waste me'' - Do not be a time waster so when you sit back after years to see how much you have achieved you won't regret and wish you knew earlier.

If you need to have a plan or schedule, create one, this can help you redeem time. If you already have one, take time to evaluate it and pray about your priorities.



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